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Dollar Rate in Pakistan Today

Dollar Rate in Pakistan Today

Dollar Rate in Pakistan Today is PKR 302 in Pakistani currency exchange market and in Interbank Dollar Rate in PKR is 295.60 Rs. Buying and Selling forex rates in Pakistan fluctuates on daily basis due to diffrent factors involved in economy. Bank exchange price of US Dollar always slightly lower in exchange rate then Currency Exchange or Open Market.

Open Market302304.3
US DollarUSD302304.3
British PoundGBP382385.8
UAE DirhamAED83.183.9
Saudi RiyalSAR80.180.9
Kuwaiti DinarKWD958.62967.62
Canadian DollarCAD224.8227
Australian DollarAUD200202
Omani RiyalOMR752.76760.76
Japanese YenJPY2.022.1
Malaysian RinggitMYR63.7164.31
Qatari RiyalQAR79.6280.32
Bahrain DinarBHD784.55792.55
Thai BhatTHB8.198.34
Chinese YuanCNY39.8340.23
Hong Kong DollarHKD37.6738.02
Danish KroneDKK42.542.9
New Zealand DollarNZD173.22175.22
Singapore DollarSGD215217
Norwegians KroneNOK27.6127.91
Swedish KronaSEK26.7427.04
Swiss FrancCHF335.71338.21
Indian RupeeINR3.483.59

Today Dollar Rate In Pakistan

Today dollar rate in Pakistan is 296.00 in interbank exchange rates which is given by State Bank of Pakistan. The open market dollar rate is 304.3. Recently, the Interbank rate increased by PKR 1.28 0.434. Over the last 30 days, the Dollar to PKR conversion saw a growth of PKR 7.724 (2.679%).

Q. How Much Dollar Rate in Pakistan Today?

Today Dollar rate in Pakistan is RS. 296.00.

Q. What is the rate of $1 in Pakistan?

The rate of $1 in Pakistan is 296.00 in the Interbank exchange rate as an official rate by the State Bank of Pakistan.

Q. What is the dollar rate in Pakistan today open market?

The dollar rate in Pakistan today open market is 304.3, it is may vary and is different from the Interbank rate.

Q. What is dollar buying rate today?

Today dollar buying rate is 295.60. It may also vary depending on the currency exchange or financial institution.

Q. How much is 1 USD to PKR?

As of today, 1 USD is equivalent to PKR 302 in the Interbank exchange rate as provided by the State Bank of Pakistan.

The information about Forex Rate Today is relatively very important especially for traders and investors but it is crucial and hard to determine. However, this page will caters you the open market dollar rate, Dollar rate in Pakistan today and other currencies rates, currency exchange rates into various world currencies and much more.

ECAP Removes Cap On Dollar

The State Bank of Pakistan has adjusted its exchange rate policies on a regular basis, which can affect the value of the rupee.

Exchange Companies Association of Pakistan (ECAP) removes the cap on the dollar value, implying that the USD to PKR value will now be determined by supply and demand. According to an exchange company spokesperson, the government has also agreed to allow the dollar to float freely, allowing for a more flexible and market-driven exchange rate.

Open Market Rates in Pakistan

Open Market Dollar rate in pakistan is generally associated with free flow of trading; it means that there are no barriers or restriction in buying and selling of goods between the countries and the countries will have equal chance to demand and supply their products. On the other, in open market there is no tax or tariff. However, the interest that is bear on trade will be determined by government, Federal Reserves. Dollar Rate Today in Pakistan is incredibly facing serious setbacks as the inflation strikes the country.

Currencies Conversion

Likewise the trading of goods money exchanging is also relatively significant because for buying and selling of products with other country it is necessary to convert open market rates with other countries. Exchanging of currencies such as Dollar to PKR rate in Pakistan also referred as Foreign Exchange rates. The Dollar rate in Pakistan Recognized in two names, Buying & Selling Rate. Apart from that, the international banks have the sole proprietorship to fixing the currency conversion rate in worldwide market while Central Bank will regulate the national currency and keep balance between the buying and selling of goods by monitoring Foreign Exchange Fixing. In Pakistan the State Bank of Pakistan is the Central Bank and setting this foreign rate on daily basis.

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